Xinggang Zhang (Ph.D student)
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences
80 Nandan Road, Shanghai 200030, China
Tel: +86-21-34775294; Fax: +86-21-64384618
- 2012-2014, Ph.D, Geodesy, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
- 2008-2011, M.Sc, Geodesy, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
- 2001-2005, B.Sc, Geomatics Engineering, Chang-An University, Xi'an, China
- 2014-Now, Assistant Professor, National Time Service Center, CAS, Xi'An, China
Research Interests
- Satellite Navigation & Space Geodesy
- Satellite Gravimetry and Geodynamics
Journal Papers
- Zhang, X.G., S.G. Jin, and X. Lu (2017), Global surface mass variations from continuous GPS observations and satellite altimetry data, Remote Sens., 9(10), 1000, doi: 10.3390/rs9101000. (SCI)
- Jin, S.G., and X.G. Zhang (2014), A Tikhonov regularization method to estimate Earth's oblateness variations from global GPS observations, J. Geodyn., 79, 23-29, doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2014.04.011. (SCI)
- Zhang, X.G., and S.G. Jin (2014), Uncertainties and effects on geocenter motion estimation from global GPS observations, Adv. Space Res., 54(1), 59-71, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2014.03.021. (SCI)
- Jin, S.G., and X.G. Zhang (2012), Variations and geophysical excitation of Earth's dynamic oblateness estimated from GPS, OBP, and GRACE, Chin. Sci. Bull., 57(36), 3484-3492, doi: 10.1360/972011-1934.
- Zhang, X.G., Y. Yuan, S.M. Zhong, and D. Zhao (2011), Flight visualization using GNSS simulation software based on OpenGL, J. Geod. Geodyn., 31 (6), 136-139.
Conference Papers
- Jin, S.G., and X.G. Zhang, A new time-varying gravity field from GPS and LEO observations for 1998-2013, Proceeding of International Gravity Field Service (IGFS) General Assembly (IGFS2014), June 30-July 6, 2014, Shanghai, China, pp.
- Zhang, X.G., and S.G. Jin, Errors of geocenter motion estimates from global GPS observations, Proceeding of International Gravity Field Service (IGFS) General Assembly (IGFS2014), June 30-July 6, 2014, Shanghai, China, pp.
- Jin, S.G., and X.G. Zhang, Time-varying gravity field from GPS observations: Evaluations and Applications, 6th CPGPS Forum, January 9-11, 2014, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China. (Invited)