Establishment of United Center


Astrogeodynamics Research


The United Center for Astro-geodynamics Research (UCAR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) whose sponsor is Prof. Ye Shuhua, Chinese Academian and which is composed of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO), CAS, Institute for Geodesy and Geophysics, CAS and Tong Ji University has been established. The Director of the UCAR is Prof. Huang Cheng, SHAO, CAS appointed by the CAS. The Opening Ceremony for the UCAR was held at SHAO on December 10, 1999. The representatives from the CAS, the Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology and the Tong Ji University participated in the ceremony. The UCAR will participate in the APSG Program and play an important role for it.

Two photos which were taken on the Opening Ceremony are showed as below:

Prof. Ye Shuhua gave a talk on the Opening Ceremony. 

The unveiling ceremony for the establishment of UCAR.